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Nectarine is so managed that a good harvest fills the branches.

  Nectarine side-down tree has four advantages: first, it produces fast fruit. High yields can be obtained in 2-3 years, while traditional tree-shaped trees usually need 5-6 years to produce high yields; second, high yields. Because of the orderly arrangement of trees, uniform distribution of fruits, good ventilation and light transmission, it is easy to obtain higher yield; third, good quality. The fruit is upright, colorful and sweet. The market is very popular. Fourth, it is easy to manage. Tree dwarfing, easy to prune and spray, convenient for field management.

Gardening and Planting

  Choose land with rich soil and good drainage to build gardens. Close planting was adopted. 333 plants per mu were planted in open field with row spacing of 2 meters and plant spacing of 1 meter; 500 plants per mu were planted in greenhouse with row spacing of 1.8 meters and plant spacing of 0.75 meters.
Management of the year after planting

  1. Keep the tree shape early: Cut the peach seedlings 10 centimeters upward after planting. After the peach trees germinate new branches, pay attention to retaining the main branches and cutting off the remaining branches. When the main branch is 20 centimeters long, it is tied lightly to the bamboo pole, leaving one side branch every 20 centimeters, and the other side branches grow to 30 centimeters to pick the heart. The side branches are pulled and fixed to both sides of the main branch, keeping the distribution of the side branches and the main branches in a vertical state, so that the tree shape of each row of peach trees is arranged in an orderly fishbone shape.

  2. Promoting and controlling first: Fertilizer and water management is the key point from germination to early July. When new shoots grow to 5 centimeters, they start topdressing. The amount of fertilizer should be controlled first and then more. After topdressing every 10 days, the main types of fertilizers are available nitrogen fertilizer, organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and water immediately after fertilization. In mid-July, when peach trees grow to about 2 meters, they stop fertilizing, tilt the trunk at an angle of 45 degrees to the ground, tilt the whole tree to one side, north-south to west, East-West to south, fix the trunk on the bamboo pole, but don't pull the main branch into a curved bow, the main branch should be straight, but inclined to grow. At this time, controlling length and promoting flower is the key. With 15% Paclobutrazol 200~300 solution or PBO 200 times liquid spray, spraying 1~3 times can achieve the purpose of controlling long growth and promoting extremely early flowering of tree crown. The lateral branches on the main branch are pulled to both sides, and a lateral branch is distributed on the main branches of 20~25 cm, and the dorsal branches on the main branch should be cut or flattened to grow on both sides. By October, fertilizer was applied once more, mainly organic fertilizer and phosphorus fertilizer.
Management into the Result Period

  Pollination: Artificial pollination was conducted at 9 a.m. and 3-4 p.m. 1-2 days after flowering.
Fruit preservation and fruit thinning: 200 times PBO solution was sprayed at bud and young fruit stage respectively, and fruit thinning was done twice in 2 weeks after flowering, the first thinning was light, and the second thinning was done after 1 week.
  Post-harvest management: First, deep tillage and fertilization are needed to compensate for nutrient consumption caused by a large number of results. The second is to renew pruning, shrink the fruiting branches, promote new shoots to germinate again and form new fruiting branches. In the later stage, the method of spraying Paclobutrazol is still used to control growth, promote flower bud differentiation, and lay a good foundation for higher yield in the next year.


Contact: Mr. Ma

Phone: +86-13333670044

Tel: +86-13333670044

Email: [email protected]

Add: Fine Chemical Industry Park, Jianan District, Xuchang, Henan, China