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When paraquat is delisted, is glyphosate the number one alternative?

  Glufosinate is the hottest product on the market and is considered to be the best substitute for paraquat. However, in more than a year after the real withdrawal of paraquat from the market, it did not show the strong trend that the successor should have, on the contrary, it was still tepid, which made many manufacturers and distributors resentful.

   In other words, since the news of the withdrawal of glyphosate from paraquat market came out, up to now, the relevant certificates declared by various manufacturers, whether single or mixed, or original or parent drugs, together have reached nearly 300. If the three certificates in the experiment are incomplete, it is estimated that they will move towards the four hundred major points.
  However, in so many manufacturers and certificates, has not yet emerged as a nova. The so-called brand of salesman is only circulated in several levels such as manufacturer, wholesale, retail and so on. It has not been widely recognized by consumers - farmers. Even if it is known as the most powerful importer to promote, a product has not been able to break away from the shackles, and even in many cases is not as good as the promotion of domestic products.
Speaking of the difficulty of popularizing glyphosate, many people have endless bitterness. The most important thing is to say that there are two aspects. One is that farmers have a deep understanding of the effect of paraquat, and it is difficult to accept the effective time of glyphosate; the other is that there are no labels on the market, and paraquat with diquat fast certificates and other sets of certificates is everywhere, so it is difficult for glyphosate to have a foothold.
From this, we can see that the biggest problem in promoting glyphosate is farmers'demand for products, that is, the contradiction between market demand and the characteristics of glyphosate products. How to reconcile the contradiction is the breakthrough of products.
First of all, without discussing the fake and inferior paraquat in the market, this paper briefly talks about the existing problems and how to solve them from the aspects of glyphosate itself and market demand.

 Self-problems of glyphosate

   As far as glyphosate itself is concerned, its dead grass time is indeed much longer than paraquat, and it does not have the low temperature tolerance of paraquat. It requires relatively more environment and use methods. This is unavoidable. It can be found on the Internet at random, and there is no more elaboration here.
In view of these inherent characteristics of glyphosate, which can not be changed, farmers can only gradually accept it through time, and it can not be achieved overnight.
  Because of the different raw materials, glyphosate is divided into different gradients in the market, including concentrate powder, concentrate powder plus mother liquor, mother liquor, mother liquor plus waste liquor and waste liquor. Of course, concentrate powder and mother liquor also have subdivision gradients. Here is a brief introduction.
  In terms of appearance, the powder is the brightest and the lightest. The original color is light yellow, the color is very light, not blue or palm oil. With the increase of the content of mother liquor or waste liquor, the brightness gradually decreases, the turbidity degree increases, and the color gradually increases.
  According to the effect, many people are advocating the best effect of concentrate powder, mother liquor and waste liquor are poor, in fact, this is true? Of course not, if the mother liquor and waste liquor preparations were born purely for the purpose of price, the effect would be bad, but facts have proved that when the ratio of concentrate and mother liquor is appropriate, the effect can surpass the concentrate preparations.
  In fact, after practical demonstration, the so-called bad mother liquor and waste liquor preparation, the last one can die grass, compared with the concentrate powder preparation, the gap only lies in the effective time and grassland control period. If we do not consider the dead grass time and grassland control time, the so-called grade of significance is not much.
  Now on the market for mother liquor or or waste liquid preparation glyphosate has a claim that "soy sauce" glyphosate can destroy the soil, and is harmful to the root system of crops, so this statement is right or wrong?
Let's first see what substances can be produced in the synthesis of glyphosate. According to different synthetic processes, besides the synthesis of glyphosate, sulfide and chloride can also be formed, and a "cyanide wastewater treatment" problem is involved in the production process. At present, the domestic production process is basically chloride-containing, and has not yet been able to break through the technical barriers containing sulfides.
  Therefore, in the preparation, refined powder does not contain sulfide and cyanide, mother liquor contains part of chloride, waste liquid preparation is concentrated from wastewater, containing high concentration of chloride and cyanide.
  In soil acidification and hardening, chloride ion does occupy a large proportion, but a small amount will not. After all, chlorine element is also one of the essential elements of plants, only excess will cause root injury; but cyanide is different, besides root injury and soil destruction, it can also pollute water sources and destroy ecological micro-environment.
  The limitation of glyphosate weeding is also a major factor restricting the promotion of glyphosate. The effect of glyphosate on pointed grass is much better than that of broad-leaved grass, many broad-leaved grass can not die; too high or too low temperature will affect the weeding effect of glyphosate, and too low humidity will also affect it; glyphosate resistance develops too fast, which has reflected that tendon grass can not die at present.
In addition, the effect of glyphosate is not directly related to the content. According to the actual understanding, a manufacturer needs 60-70 ml of 30% glyphosate in the actual application, and 200 g/l of the actual 18.5% content of the preparation, in the case of the same amount of water per barrel, as long as sprayed thoroughly, the effect of dead grass is also not bad.

  Market Demand Problems
  Speaking of market demand, we have to study the direction of paraquat use. Many manufacturers sell paraquat quite well, but it seems that few people really know where paraquat is actually used in their market, and then suddenly switch to glyphosate. They only know how to do the experiment of glyphosate in wasteland, but they don't know the truth. We are studying the orientation of paraquat and the development direction of glyphosate.
Waste land weeding: Paraquat consumption in this area is quite large, and glyphosate consumption is not small, once in the era of paraquat, when prices are relatively cheap, the use of paraquat for wildland weeding farmers can accept, but suddenly evolved to the era of glyphosate, the time of weed death is much slower, and the price is much higher, this part of the market will be largely glyphosate. Instead, only after farmers fully accept the characteristics of glyphosate, the price will be reduced, and the use of glyphosate will be accepted on a large scale.
  And farmers will not have high demand for products, as long as they can kill grass, so this direction will become the main market of low-cost glyphosate, regardless of whether it is concentrate, mother liquor or waste liquid.
Orchard weeding: The orchards here refer to coffee beans, tea, bananas, fruit from the north and the south, etc. The medication here requires high quality and can not damage the root, pollute the soil or water source, so the preparation containing waste liquid is absolutely useless, even the relatively high content of mother liquor is very risky to use.
  Once a customer in Yunnan used the preparation of concentrate powder and mother liquor, and killed the banana. He used the preparation of concentrate powder three times without dying. Later, he only dared to sell the preparation of concentrate powder. There are many fruit trees are chlorine-repellent. Preparations with high chlorine content are not acceptable, and this is difficult to see from the appearance, so in this direction it must be the world of glyphosate powder.
  Inter-row orientation: Maize and all kinds of small classics are mainly used for directional weeding after seedling. Of course, this is a non-rigid demand. Many crops have corresponding herbicides after seedling. It's just directional use after paraquat is not available. Glufosinate has no price advantage and has little significance for promotion in a short time.
  Pre-sowing weeding: This direction can be tentatively promoted, because pre-sowing weeding requires low residual herbicides that do not affect the subsequent crop. At present, single-agent products have not been able to defeat glyphosate, but considering the impact of chloride ions, glyphosate powder is preferred. Here we need to pay attention to the adaptation temperature and weed killing spectrum of glyphosate. Before planting spring crops in many places, the temperature is difficult to reach 20 degrees Celsius. At this time, it is difficult to promote glyphosate successfully. In the north, most weeds are broad-leaved in spring, but the effect of using glyphosate is not as good as that of dimethoate.
  After harvesting weeding: This is mainly in the time between stubble weeding, weeds before stubble residue of old grass, and due to mechanical harvesting, stem and leaf damage is greater, sometimes the use of paraquat is not very ideal, some are also using glyphosate. It can be imagined that the effect of using glyphosate as a single agent will never be much better. According to the different grass phases, different places can use glyphosate, ethyl carboxyfluoroether, quinoxazole, high-efficiency fluoropyrimethyl, dimethoate and even glyphosate.
  Accelerating withering and ripening: This application is widely used in cotton in Xinjiang, and pepper is also used in some areas. Of course, glyphosate is difficult to become the mainstream in this direction. Dichlor can completely replace the effect of paraquat, after all, it is broad-leaved crops.
Finally, the biggest resistance to market demand is the effect and speed of farmers, or consumers on paraquat, more precisely the cost-effectiveness, memory is particularly deep, for a while it is difficult to accept other products with high prices, the effect is not as good as paraquat products.
  At present, more than one manufacturer has been working on a single-agent product combination with low residue and fast decomposition, i.e. a gramineous herbicide + dimethoate + broadleaf contact killer, in order to achieve the quick-acting and easy-decomposition characteristics of ordinary paraquat, but the price can not come down.
  In Guangdong and Hainan, glyphosate is the main choice for beating tendons, and most agricultural stores would recommend that farmers should use high-cover, ketene, quinolone and ethyl carboxyfluorofen to fight together, so that the effect would be good. The combination of glyphosate + high-cover, glyphosate + ethyl carboxyfluorofen has almost become the "killer's mace" for controlling malignant weeds in agricultural stores.


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