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Don't forget to add this fertilizer to corn medication

  Summer maize is an important autumn crop in Henan, Shandong, Anhui, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Hebei, Gansu, Tianjin and other regions. In order to grab seeds, fertilizer is not applied on the whole land. Therefore, most of the nutrients needed for maize growth and development can only be guaranteed by Topdressing and foliar spraying. Maize is sensitive to trace elements, especially zinc. In the growing period, once zinc deficiency occurs, seedling albinism and poor pollination will occur, resulting in yield reduction.

   Symptoms of zinc deficiency
  Maize needs zinc in the whole growth period. Once zinc deficiency occurs in the seedling stage, it will affect the photosynthesis of leaves. There will be chlorotic stripes on the leaves of seedlings, forming albino seedlings, zinc deficiency at jointing stage, slow growth of plants, small plants, and yellow-white zonal green areas between the main vein and leaf margin, which is commonly known as "flower-white leaves" by peasant friends. Zinc deficiency at heading stage, less ramification of male ear, slow growth of female ear, inadequate pollination, resulting in bald tip, reduced number of grains per ear, resulting in yield reduction.

   Causes of Zinc Deficiency
1. Soil type: Sandy soil can not absorb more zinc ions because of less soil particles and less cation exchange capacity, resulting in low zinc content in soil, which can not meet the demand of maize for zinc.
2. Soil acidity and alkalinity: In northern summer maize planting areas such as Henan, Shandong, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei and Tianjin, the soil is alkaline. The stronger the alkalinity, the poorer the ability of the soil to absorb zinc ions. In alkaline soil, zinc is also easy to combine with phosphate ions in the soil to form water-insoluble salts, which also results in low zinc content.
3. Fertilization is unreasonable: at present, the amount of organic fertilizer is very small, the compound fertilizer is used in large quantities, and the microelement fertilizer is not supplemented in time, which results in the low microelement content in soil and can not meet the demand of corn for zinc.
Time of use
The best time for supplementing zinc fertilizer for maize is to mix seeds or seeding with fertilizer at sowing time. It has the advantages of saving labor, time and long effective period. It can also be sprayed at seedling stage, jointing stage and heading stage if the sowing date is missed.

   At present, the maize seedling stage can be combined with the control of the two points of the subterranean pests in maize, such as the night moth, the tigers and so on. The zinc fertilizer is added to the spraying. The average zinc sulphate is 100~400 grams of zinc sulfate per mu and the spray of 30 kg to 50 kg of water can be used effectively. The increase in production is remarkable.


Contact: Mr. Ma

Phone: +86-13333670044

Tel: +86-13333670044

Email: [email protected]

Add: Fine Chemical Industry Park, Jianan District, Xuchang, Henan, China